MAW Happens

MAW Kids do Comics

As we release new kid comics we will post them here before bed time!

Soupman and Soupwoman in New Orleans
Soupman and Soupwoman in New Orleans Part 2
Scorpion, Pac and Meerkat Fight
Dinner Time
Daddy Daughter Fishing
Don't Start Forest Fires
The Mom Song
Best Dinner Ever
The Death Star
The Loose Tooth
Santa Through Time
Crossing Eyes
Eye for an I
Pen Pals
Mario Kart
The Race (Fast Food)
Fairy Tails
Tooth Fairies
The Octopuss
Crazy Ants
Kidnap Mr Santa Witch and Wizard Get Married
Pet Dino, First Day Anna and Grandpa Fishing Who ya Talking to???
Pet Dino, Second Day
Science Class
Jurassic Werld
Hike by the Lake
Shoo Logans Star Wars
Edge of the World
Soupman Returns!
Bathroom Sign
Monsters Vs Aliens
Police Siren
Go with the Flow
Mav on Prime
Dumb Things to Say
Ghost FIshing
What is that Part 1
How Atlantis Sank